Sunday, September 2, 2018

Disculpo Tus Pecados/i Forgive Your Sins ebook - Corin Tellado .pdf

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Kay is twenty and as a child was abused by her grandfather. Nancy is twenty-eight, was born into misery and was always ostracized. Both had to run away and face a harsh and dark life in order to survive, relying only on each other for support. One day, Kay meets a man different from what she is used to; Gary is respectful, friendly and very rich. Even though she is not able to feel the same love for him, Kay finds in him the possibility of leaving the abyss of prostitution and free her dear friend from Jim, her pimp. Description in Spanish: Kay tiene veinte años y un pasado de terribles abusos a manos de su padrastro. Nancy ha cumplido los veintiocho y nació en medio de miseria y marginación. Ambas tuvieron que huir de sus hogares y se vieron abocadas a la mala vida para poder subsistir, encontrando en su amistad algo de apoyo y consuelo ante una juventud rota y un destino sin ilusiones. Pero un día Kay conoce a un hombre distinto de los que la suelen acechar. Gary es respetuoso, amable e insultantemente rico pues ha heredado una inmensa fortuna que no tiene que compartir. Aunque no es capaz de.
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